PKG PERLA Seafarers Medical Exam |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 panel (GLUC2PP,GlucFast,BUN,Creat,UA,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Immunology 2 Panel (RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, HBsAg)
9. Urine Test Routine
10. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
Master PKG Astro Ocean CruiseMedical Seafarers Exam - Non FB |
1. Alcohol Test
2. Amphetamine Drug Test
3. Benzodiazepine Drug Test
4. Glucose Level Test (after fasting)
5. Marijuana (THC) Drug Test
6. Opiates Drug Test
7. Pregnancy Test
8. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
9. Urine Test Routine
10. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
11. Audiometry Test
12. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
13. Immunology 3 Panel Array (HBsAg, HIV, RPR/VD
14. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
See Detail |
PKG Astro Ocean CruiseMedical Seafarers Exam - FB |
1. Alcohol Test
2. Amphetamine Drug Test
3. Benzodiazepine Drug Test
4. Glucose Level Test (after fasting)
5. Marijuana (THC) Drug Test
6. Opiates Drug Test
7. Pregnancy Test
8. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
9. Urine Test Routine
10. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
11. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
12. Audiometry Test
13. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
14. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4 Bacterium)
15. Immunology 3 Panel Array (HBsAg, HIV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP)
See Detail |
PKG KTKLN Medical Examination
New |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
3. HIV Antibody Test
4. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
5. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG OGUK Offshore Medical Exam - Under 50 |
1. Alcohol Test
2. Audiometry Test
3. Biochemistry 10 panel OGUK (chol, liver, bun, alp, tri)
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
6. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
7. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
8. HIV Antibody Test
9. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
10. Spirometry Test
11. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, BEN, COC, OPI, THC)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG OGUK Approved Medical Exam-Standard |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. Urine Test Routine
4. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MLC Seafarers Medical Exam-Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
3. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis B HBsAb Antibody Test
7. Immunology 2 Panel (HIV, HBsAg)
8. Pregnancy Test
9. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4 Bacterium) - salmonella, shigella, e. coli, vibrio cholera
10. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
11. Toxicology 7 Panel + Alcohol (ALC, AMP, BAR, BEN, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MLC Simple Medical |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. Urine Test Routine
4. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MLC Seafarers Medical Exam - Male |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
3. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis B HBsAb Antibody Test
7. Immunology 2 Panel (HIV, HBsAg)
8. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4 Bacterium) -salmonella, shigella, e. coli, vibrio cholera
9. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
10. Toxicology 7 Panel + Alcohol (ALC, AMP, BAR, BEN, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
11. Urine Test Routine
12. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG KTKLN Medical Examination
Return |
See Detail |
General PhysicalCustome With Eye Exam |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
See Detail |
PKG Apollo Seven SeasMedical Exam - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol, Basic Liver)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
7. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
8. Pap Smear
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
13. Urine Test Routine
15. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
OGUK Certificate Fee |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
See Detail |
PKG Apollo InternationalMedical Exam - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol, Basic Liver)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
7. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
8. Pap Smear
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
13. Urine Test Routine
15. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Apollo InternationalMedical Exam - Male |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol, Basic Liver)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
7. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
8. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
9. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
10. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
11. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Apollo Seven SeasMedical Exam - Male |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol, Basic Liver)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
7. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
8. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
9. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
10. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
11. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Adora Seafarers Medical
Exam - Non FH |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 8 panel (Tri, Uric, SGOT,SGPT, GLUC, CREAT, CHOLT, BUN)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Immunology 2 Panel (RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, HBsAg)
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Urine Test Routine
11. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Adora Seafarers Medical
Exam - FH |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 8 panel (Tri, Uric, SGOT,SGPT, GLUC, CREAT, CHOLT, BUN)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Immunology 3 Panel Array (HBsAg,HIV,RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP)
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Apollo VirginMedical Exam - Male |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol, Basic Liver)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
7. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
8. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
9. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
10. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
11. Urine Test Routine
12. USG Abdomen Non-color
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Apollo BritanniaMedical Exam - Male |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 panel (Glucose,Cholesterol
See Detail |
PKG Carnival Seafarers Medical
Exam - Hospitality |
1. Biochemistry 3 panel (BUN,Creat,GlucFast)
2. Dental Evaluation (MCU)
3. General Physical (GP) BAsic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / Dl )
5. HIV Antibody Test
6. Urine Test Routine
7. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Panama Maritime Certificate - Non-Food Handler |
1. Alcohol Test
2. Audiometry Test
3. Cocaine Drug Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Glucose Level Test (after fasting)
6. Marijuana (THC) Drug Test
7. Urine Test Routine
8. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Panama Maritime Certificate - food Handler ( |
1. Alcohol Test
2. Audiometry Test
3. Cocaine Drug Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Glucose Level Test (after fasting)
6. Marijuana (THC) Drug Test
7. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4 Bacterium) -salmonella, shigella, e. coli, vibrio cholera
8. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
9. Urine Test Routine
10. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG PBMC Basic Medical Package |
1. Biochemistry 10 panel (BUN,Craet,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
2. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
3. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
5. Urine Test Routine
6. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG PBMC Silver Medical Package |
1. Biochemistry 9 Panel (GlucFast,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,HDL,LDL,TG,BUN,Creat)
2. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
3. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
5. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
6. Uric Acid Test
7. Urine Test Routine
8. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Pellegrini Offshore Medical Exam |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 11 Panel (ALP,BilDir,BilTot,BUN,Creat,GGT,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG)
3. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Immunology 3 Panel Array (HBsAg, HIV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP)
7. Spirometry Test
8. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4 Bacterium) - salmonella, shigella, e. coli, vibrio cholera
9. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
10. Throat Swab
11. Toxicology 6 panel (AMP, BAR, BEN, COC, OPI, THC)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Margaritaville Cruises
Seafarers Medical - Non FB |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 13 Panel (SGOT,SGPT,Gluc,CholTot,HDL/LDL,TG,BUN,Crea,UA,BilTol,BilDir,GGT)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
9. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
10. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
11. Pregnancy Test
12. Spirometry Test
13. Toxicology 4 Panel (AMP, BARB, OPI, THC)
14. Urine Test Routine
15. USG Abdomen Non-color
See Detail |
PKG Margaritaville Cruises
Seafarers Medical - Non FH - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 13 panel (SGOT, SGPT,Gluc,CholTot,HDL/LDL,TG,BUN,Crea,UA,BilTol,BilDir,GGT)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
9. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
10. Immunolgy 4 panel (HBsAg,Anti HCV,RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP,Anti HIV)
11. USG Abdomen Non-color
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
14. Preganancy Test
15. Spirometry Test
See Detail |
PKG Marshall Seafarers Medical
Exam with Drug test |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. Toxicology 5 panel + Alcohol (ALC,AMP,COC,OPI,PCP,THC)
4. Urine Test Routine
5. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Balifood Lestari GCU
Karyawan Tahunan |
1. Stool / Feces Culture (4bacterium)- salmonella, shigella
2. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Angkasa Pura Hotel
In-flight |
1. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
2. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Mauritius Medical Exam -
Male |
1. BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen
2. Filariasis (Roundworm) Test
3. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Glucose Level Test (after Fasting)
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC/DL)
6. Immunology 2 Panel (HIV,HBsAg)
7. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
8. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
9. Urine Test Routine
10. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Cook Island |
1. Biochemistry 9 Panel (GlucFast,SGOT,SGPT,Creat,ALB,CholTot,HDL,LDL,TG)
2. ESR Erythtocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
3. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Hematologgy Panel Full (CBC/DL)
5. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
6. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg,Anti HCH,RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
7. Stool / Feces Culture (2bacterium)- salmonella, shigella
8. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
9. TB-Mantoux Test
10. Urine Test
11. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Calon Karyawan
Balifood Lestari |
1. ESR Erythtocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. Hematologgy Panel Full (CBC/DL)
4. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
5. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
6. Urine Test
7. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Custom 25 sept |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic consultation & Eye Exam
2. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
See Detail |
PKG MCU Galva Technologies |
1. Benzodiazepine Drug Test
2. Biochemistry 10 panel ( BUN,Craet,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Glucose Level Test (2 hours after eating) Postprandial
9. Hepatits B HBsAb Antibody Test
10. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
11. Opiates Drug Test
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
14. Toxicology 2 panel (AMP,THC)
See Detail |
PKG American Club P & I
Seafarers Madical Exam FH Plus Panama |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 10 panel (BUN,Craet,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
9. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
10. Spirometry Test
11. Toxicology 4 panel + Alcohol (ALC, AMP, BAR, COC, THC)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. USG Abdomen Non-color
14. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Qatargas Medical Exam Non FH |
1. Alcohol Test
2. Audiometry Test
3. Biochemistry 11 Panel (Bili,BUN,Creat,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
4. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
5. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
6. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
7. Gamma GT Test
8. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
9. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
10. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV,RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
11. Spirometry Test
12. Throat Swab
13. Toxicology 2 Panel (AMP, THC)
14. Urine Test Routine
15. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG V-Ship Marshall / Liberia |
1. Audiometry Test
2. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
3. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
5. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, HBsAg
6. Urine Test Routine
7. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
8. Glucose Level Test (after Fasting)
9. Toxicology 7 Panel + Alcohol (ALC,AMP,BAR,BEN,COC,OPI,PCP,THC)
See Detail |
PKG Adora MLC Additional
Testing |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Panama Online Certificate (Add-on only)
3. Toxicology 2 panel + Alcohol (ALC, THC, COC)
See Detail |
PKG Adora Panama - Non FH |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 8 panel (Tri, Uric, SGOT,SGPT, GLUC, CREAT, CHOLT, BUN)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Immunology 2 Panel (RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, HBsAg)
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
14. Panama Online Certifacte (Add-on-only)
15. Toxicology 2 panel + Alcohol ( ALC,THC,COC
See Detail |
PKG Adora Panama - FH |
1.Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 8 panel (Tri, Uric, SGOT,SGPT, GLUC, CREAT, CHOLT, BUN)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Immunology 2 Panel (RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, HBsAg)
9. Panama Online Certificate (Add-on only)
10. Pregnancy Test
11. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
12. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
13. Toxicology 2 panel + Alcohol (ALC, THC, COC)
14. Urine Test Routine
15. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Adora Bahamas - Non Fh |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 8 panel (Tri, Uric, SGOT,SGPT, GLUC, CREAT, CHOLT, BUN)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Immunology 2 Panel (RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, HBsAg)
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Urine Test Routine
11. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Adora Bahamas - FH |
1.Audiometry Test
2.Biochemistry 8 panel (Tri, Uric, SGOT,SGPT, GLUC, CREAT, CHOLT, BUN)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Immunology 2 Panel (RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, HBsAg)
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Carnival Seafarers Medical
Exam Panama Flag - Deck/Engine |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 3 panel (BUN,Creat,GlucFast)
3. Dental Evaluation (MCU)
4. General Physical (GP) BAsic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / Dl )
6. HIV Antibody Test
7. Urine Test Routine
8. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
9. Panama Online Certificate (Add-on only)
10. Toxicalogy 2 panel + Alcohol (ALC, THC, COC)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Intership Japan |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 7 panel (HDL,LDL,GGT,GlucFast,SGOT,SGPT,TG)
3. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Urine Test Routine
7. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Apollo EuropeanMedical Exam - Male |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol, Basic Liver)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
7. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
8. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
9. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
10. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
11. Urine Test Routine
12. USG Abdomen Non-color
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Liberia |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
3. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. HIV Antibody Test
5. Toxicology 6 panel + Alcohol (ALC, AMP, BAR, 6. BEN, COC, OPI, THC)
7. Urine Test Routine
8. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Malaysia |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
3. HIV Antibody Test Marijuana (THC)
Drug Test
4. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
5. Urine Test Routine
6. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Apollo EuropeanMedical Exam - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol, Basic Liver)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
7. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
8. Pap Smear
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
13. Urine Test Routine
14. USG Abdomen Non-color
15. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Apollo VirginMedical
Exam - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol, Basic Liver)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
7. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
8. Pap Smear
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
13. Urine Test Routine
14. USG Abdomen Non-color
15. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Azamara Cruises Seafarers
Medical Exam - Male |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
4. Urine Test Routine
5. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior
6. Toxicology 5 panel + Alcohol (ALC,AMP,COC,OPI,PCP,THC)
See Detail |
PKG Azamara Cruises Seafarers
Medical Exam - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
4. Urine Test Routine
5. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior
6. Pregnancy Test
7. Toxicology 5 panel+Alcohol (ALC,AMP,COC,OPI,PCP,THC)
See Detail |
PKG Fred Olsen Seafarers
Medical Exam - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 5 panel (Liver,Creatinine,Glucose ALP)
3. General Physical (GP) BAsic Consultation & Eye Exam)
4.Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
5. HIV Antibody Test
6. Preganancy Test
7. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
8. Stool / Feces Culture (4 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella,e. coli, vibrio cholera
9. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
10. Urine Test Routine
11. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Fred Olsen Seafarers
Medical Exam |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 5 panel (Liver, Creatinine, Glucose ALP)
3. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
5. HIV Antibody Test
6. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
7. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4 Bacterium) - salmonella, shigella, e. coli, vibrio cholera
8. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
9. Urine Test Routine
10. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Genting Dream Seafarers
Medical Exam - Non-FH |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
3. General Physical (GP) BAsic Consultation & Eye Exam)
4.Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. Immunology 2 Panel (RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, HBsAg)
7. Urine Test Routine
8. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
9. Toxicology 4 panel (AMP,COC,OPI,THC)
10. Preganancy Test
See Detail |
PKG Genting Dream Medical Exam
- FH |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
3. General Physical (GP) BAsic Consultation & Eye Exam)
4. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. Immunology 2 Panel (RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, HBsAg)
7. Stool / Feces Culture (4 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
8. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
9. Urine Test Routine
10. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
11. Toxicology 4 panel (AMP,COC,OPI,THC)
12. Preganancy Test
See Detail |
PKG ISS River Cruise Seafarers
Medical Exam Standard 2 |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. Hematology Panel Full (CBC/DL)
4. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4Bacterium)-salmonella, shigella,, e.coli, vibrio cholera
5. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
6. Urine Test
7. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Apollo BritanniaMedical Exam - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 9 Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol, Basic Liver)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
7. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
8. Pap Smear
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
13. Urine Test Routine
14. USG Abdomen Non-color
15. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG American Club P&I
Seafarers Medical Exam - FH |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 10 panel (BUN,Craet,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Immunology 4 Panel (HBsAg,Anti HCV,RPR/VDRL/Anti HIV)
9. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
10. Spirometry Test
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
14. Toxicology 4 panel + Alcohol (ALC,AMP,BAR,COC,THC)
15. USG Abdomen Non-Color
See Detail |
PKG Norway/NMA Approved Medical Exam Complete, Non-FH |
1. Albumin Test
2. Audiometry Test
3. Biochemistry 11 Panel (Bili,BUN,Creat,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
9. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
10. Pregnancy Test
11. Toxicology 8 Panel (AMP, BEN, BAR, COC, METH, OPI, PCP, THC)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MSC Seafarers Medical Exam-Hospitality |
1. Biochemistry 6 panel (GGT,SGOT,SGPT,Creat,CholTot,BUN)
2. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
3. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
7. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
8. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, 9. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
10. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, BEN, COC, OPI, THC)
11. Urine Test Routine
12. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MSC Seafarers Medical Exam - Panama Flag |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 6 panel (GGT,SGOT,SGPT,Creat,CholTot,BUN)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
6. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
7. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
8. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
9. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
10. Panama Online Certificate (Add-on only)
11. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, BEN, COC, OPI, THC)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MSC Seafarers Medical Exam - Panama Spa Therapist |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 11 Panel (Bili,BUN,Creat,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
9. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
10. Spirometry Test
11. Toxicology 6 panel + Alcohol (ALC, AMP, BAR, BEN, COC, OPI, THC)
12. Tuberculosis (TB) IgG Test
13. Urine Test Routine
14. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MSC Seafarers Medical Exam - Spa Therapist |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 11 Panel (Bili,BUN,Creat,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
6. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
7. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
8. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Spirometry Test
11. Toxicology 6 panel + Alcohol (ALC, AMP, BAR, BEN, COC, OPI, THC)
12. Tuberculosis (TB) IgG Test
13. Urine Test Routine
14. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG NCL Seafarers Medical exam - Non FH |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 8 panel NCL (CholTot,BilTot,TG,SGOT,SGP,Creat,BUN,GlucFast)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
5. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
6. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
7. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
8. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
9. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
10. Urine Test Routine
11. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG NCL Seafarers Medical Exam - FH |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 8 panel NCL (CholTot,BilTot,TG,SGOT,SGP,Creat,BUN,GlucFast)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
5. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
6. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
7. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
8. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
9. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
10. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
11. Toxicology 5 Panel (AMP, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Disney Seafares Medical
Exam Repeater - Male |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Urine Test Routine
3. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Disney Seafares Medical
Exam Repeater - Female |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Pregnancy Test
3. Urine Test Routine
4. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Disney Seafarers Medical
Exam - Male |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 8 Panel Array (Glucose,BUN,SGOT,Electrolytes)
3. General Physical (GP) BAsic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL )
5. Urine Test Routine
6. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
7. Hepatitis B HBsAb Antigen Test
8. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
See Detail |
PKG Disney Seafarers Medical
Exam - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 8 Panel Array (Glucose,BUN,SGOT,Electrolytes)
3. General Physical (GP) BAsic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL )
5. Urine Test Routine
6. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
7. Pregnancy Test
8. Hepatitis B HBsAb Antigen Test
9. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
See Detail |
PKG Crystal Seafarers Medical
Exam - 1 |
1. Albumin Test
2. Audiometry Test
3. Bilirubin Test (Total)
4. BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen
5. Chloride Test
6. Creatinine Kindey Function Test
7. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
8. Glucose Level Test (after fasting)
9. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
10. Hepatits A HAV IgM Antibody Test
11. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
12. Hepatitis C Antibody Test- Anti HCV
13. Potassium (SK) Serum Test
14. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
15. SGOT Liver Function Test (AST)
See Detail |
PKG Netherland/NSI Approved Medical Exam - Standard |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. Urine Test Routine
4. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Norway/NMA Approved Medical Exam - Standard |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. Urine Test Routine
4. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Turks & Caicos Islands |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Immunology 3 Panel Array (HBsAg, HIV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP)
3. TB - Mantoux Test
4. Toxicology 3 Panel ( THC,COC,OPI )
5. Urine Test Routine
6. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Rayyan Bali Hospitality |
1. Biochemistry 2 Panel Liver Function (SGOT, SGPT)
2. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
3. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
5. Urine Test Routine
See Detail |
PKG MCU Paket 3 Tata Mulia Nusantara Indah |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
3. Spirometry Test
4. Urine Test Routine
5. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Paket 2 Tata Mulia Nusantara Indah |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
3. Urine Test Routine
4. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Paket 1 Tata Mulia Nusantara Indah |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
4. Spirometry Test
5. Urine Test Routine
6. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Mantra |
1. Biochemistry 9 Panel (Glucose, Cholesterol, Basic Liver)
2. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
3. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis B HBsAb Antibody Test
7. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
8. Spirometry Test
9. Toxicology 3 panel (AMP, BARB, OPI)
10. Urine Test Routine
11. USG Abdomen Non-color
12. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG American Club P & I Seafarers Medical Exam FH Plus Panama |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 10 panel (BUN,Craet,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP)
7. Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
8. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
9. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
10. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
11. Spirometry Test
12. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
13. Toxicology 4 panel + Alcohol (ALC, AMP, BAR, COC, THC)
14. Urine Test Routine
15. USG Abdomen Non-color
See Detail |
PKG Balearia Spain Seafarers
Medical Exam |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
3. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Glucose Level Test (after fasting)
6. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
7. Hepatitis B HBsAb Antibody Test
8. Immunology 2 Panel (HIV, HBsAg)
9. Stool / Feces Culture (2 bacterium) - salmonella, shigella
10. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
11. Toxicology 7 panel (AMP, BAR, BEN, COC, METH, OPI, THC)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Spa Bali Internasional Academy |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Immunology 4 panel (HBsAg, Anti HCV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP, Anti HIV)
3. Pregnancy Test
4. Tuberculosis (TB) IgG Test
5. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Mandara Spa Return |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
3. HIV Antibody Test
4. Pregnancy Test
5. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
6. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG MCU Mandara Spa NH |
1. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
2. Hepatitis B HBsAg Antigen Test
3. HIV Antibody Test
4. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
5. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Global Food Services
Protocol G |
1. Hepatitis A HAV IgG Antigen Test
2. Hepaptitis A HAV Igm Antibody Test
3. Immunology 2 panel (RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP,HBsAg)
4. Stool/ Feces Culture Complete (4Bacterium)-salmonella,shigella,e. coli, vibrio cholera
5. Stool/Feces Test (O&P)
6. Throat Swab
See Detail |
PKG GMI Saefarers Medical Exam
- Male |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
3. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
4. General Physical (GP) BAsic Consultation & Eye Exam)
5.Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hepatitis B HBsAb Antibody Test
7. Immunology 2 Panel (HIV,HBsAg)
8. Stool/Feces Culture Complete (4Bacterium)-salmonella,shigella,e. coli, vibrio cholera
9. Stool/ Feces Test (O&P)
10. Toxicology 7 panel + Alcohol (ALC,AMP,BAR,BEN,COC,OPI,PCP,THC)
11. Urine Test Routine
12. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Malta TM Seafarers Medical |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. Urine Test Routine
4. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG ISS River Cruise Seafarers
Medical Exam Standard 1 |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 2 Panel Liver Function (SGOT,SGPT)
3. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Hematology Panel Full (CBC/DL)
5. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4Bacterium)-salmonella, shigella,, e.coli, vibrio cholera
6. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
7. Toxicology 6 panel + Alcohol (ALC,AMP,BAR,BEN,COC,OPI,THC)
8. Urine Test
9. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Margaritaville Cruises
Seafarers Medical - FH - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 13 panel (SGOT, SGPT,Gluc,CholTot,HDL/LDL,TG,BUN,Crea,UA,BilTol,BilDir,GGT)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
9. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
10. Immunolgy 4 panel (HBsAg,Anti HCV,RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP,Anti HIV)
11. Preganancy Test
12. Spirometry Test
13. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
14. Toxicology 4 Panel (AMP,BAR,COC,THC)
15. Urine Test Routine
See Detail |
PKG Margaritaville Cruises
Seafarers Medical - FB |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 13 panel (SGOT, SGPT,Gluc,CholTot,HDL/LDL,TG,BUN,Crea,UA,BilTol,BilDir,GGT)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
9. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
10. Immunolgy 4 panel (HBsAg,Anti HCV,RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP,Anti HIV)
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. USG Abdomen Non-color
13. Urine Test Routine
14. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
15. Spirometry Test
See Detail |
PKG American Club P & I
Seafarers Medical Exam Non FB Plus Panama |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 10 panel (BUN,Craet,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Immunology 4 Panel (HBsAg,Anti HCV,RPR/VDRL/Anti HIV)
9. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
10. Spirometry Test
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
14. Toxicology 4 panel + Alcohol (ALC,AMP,BAR,COC,THC)
15. USG Abdomen Non-Color
See Detail |
PKG American Club P&I
Seafarers Medical Exam - Non-FH |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 10 panel (BUN,Craet,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
3. Blood Typing (with Rhesus factor, ABO) Test
4. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
5. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
6. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
7. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
8. Immunology 4 Panel (HBsAg,Anti HCV,RPR/VDRL/Anti HIV)
9. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
10. Spirometry Test
11. Urine Test Routine
12. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
13. Toxicology 4 panel + Alcohol (ALC,AMP,BAR,COC,THC)
14. USG Abdomen Non-Color
See Detail |
PKG Celestyal Seafarers
Medical Exam - Female |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 2 Panel Liver Function (SGOT, SGPT)
3. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
4. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
5. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
6. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
7. Hepatitis B HBsAb Antibody Test
8. Immunology 3 Panel Array (HBsAg, HIV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP)
9. Pregnancy Test
10. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4 Bacterium) - salmonella, shigella, e. coli, vibrio cholera
11. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
12. Urine Test Routine
13. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Celestyal Seafarers
Medical Exam - Male |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 2 Panel Liver Function (SGOT, SGPT)
3. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
4. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
5. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
6. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
7. Hepatitis B HBsAb Antibody Test
8. Immunology 3 Panel Array (HBsAg, HIV, RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP)
9. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4 Bacterium) - salmonella, shigella, e. coli, vibrio cholera
10. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
11. Urine Test Routine
12. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
1. Biochemistry 16 Panel (GlucFast,BUN,Creat,UA,CholTot,TG,HDL,LDL,BilTol,BilDir,Bilindir,SGOT,SGPT,GGT,ALP,TotPro)
2. Biochemistry Rujuk 9 panel ( LDH,CK,POT,SDM,CHLOR,CAL,PHO,IRON )
3. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
4. Pregnancy Test
5. Urine Test Routine
6. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |
PKG Global Food Services
Offshore Medical Exam |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 14 panel (ALP,BilDir,BilTot,BUN,Creat, GGT,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
3. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
4. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
5. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
6. Hemoglobin HbA1c Test
7. Hepatitis AHAV IgG Antigen Test
8. Hepatitis A HAV IgM Antibody Test
9. Immunolgy 4 panel (HBsAg,Anti HCV,RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP,Anti HIV)
10. Spirometry Test
11. Stool / Feces Culture Complete (4baterium)-salmonella, shigella,e.coli,vibrio, cholera
12. Stool / Feces Test (O&P)
13. Throat Swab
14. Toxicology 7 Panel + Alcohol (ALC,AMP,BAR,BEN,COC,OPI,PCP,THC)
15. Urine Test Routine
See Detail |
PKG Belgium
seafarers medical |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. Urine Test Routine
4. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior
See Detail |
PKG Azamara Medical Seafarers
Exam - Returning |
1. Audiometry Test
2. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation & Eye Exam
3. RPR/VDRL/Anti-TP Test
4. Urine Test Routine
5. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior
See Detail |
PKG Global Food Services
Protocol C |
1. Audiometry Test
2. Biochemistry 14 Panel (ALP,BilDir,BilTot,BUN,Creat,GGT,GlucFast,HDL,LDL,SGOT,SGPT,CholTot,TG,UA)
3. Electro Cardio Gram (EKG)
4. ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (LED)
5. General Physical (GP) Basic Consultation
6. Hematology Panel Full (CBC / DL)
7. Hepatitis C Antibody Test - Anti HCV
8. HIV Antibody Test
9. Spirometry Test
10. Toxicology 7 Panel + Alcohol (ALC, AMP, BAR, BEN, COC, OPI, PCP, THC)
11. Urine Test Routine
12. Xray Thorax PA MCU (Posterior-Anterior)
See Detail |